This part in this multipart series covers hardware configuration, including understanding architecture, planning logical network design, setting up terminal servers, and updating firmware. 本文是共分多部分的系列教程的第一部分,介绍了硬件配置,包括理解架构、规划逻辑网络设计、设置终端服务器以及更新固件等内容。
Planning method of network spatial system in eco-industrial parks 生态工业园网络式空间体系规划方法
The analytic hierarchy process& entropy weight gray analysis combined method is presented to evaluate the rail planning network, which is feasible and effective. 将层次兮析法&墒定权的灰色关联分析方法用于轨道交通线网方案的评价,可行且有效。
According to current situation and characteristics of network planning for communication network, the paper put forward a method which based on system integration for network planning. 本文针对通信网网络规划问题的现状和特点,提出了基于系统集成思想的通信网网络规划。
United Urban Power Grid Planning for Network Structure and Partition Scheme Based on Bi-level Multi-objective Optimization With Genetic Algorithm 城市电网网架结构与分区方式的两层多目标联合规划
Core competences of Boguan include photography, design, planning, network and other advertisement services. 业务涵盖珠宝玉石摄影、平面设计、企业营销策划、网络建设等多项服务。
In order to rationalize the network planning, the paper summarizes the main work content in network planning, makes the planning network connection principles with the analysis of examples; 为了使电网规划趋于合理,文中归纳了中压电网规划工作的主要内容;提出了配网规划的接线原则,并以实例进行了剖析;
A family planning service network has effectively taken shape in both urban and rural areas. 基本形成了遍及城乡的计划生育服务网络。
The Study on the Planning Network Evaluation Taking Supportive Logistics Corridor into Account in New City Exploration of architectural characterstic on Campus 考虑物流通道支持的新建城区规划路网评价研究探索校园建筑的个性特征&福州第十一中学福新支路分校规划设计
Based on network frame planning, the optimal planning of network section switch and connective switch is carried out again. 在网架规划基础上,再进行网络分段开关和联络开关的优化规划。
The large telecoms provider is also planning a network in the wine country town of Napa in collaboration with local authorities. 这家大型电信服务提供商还计划与地方政府合作,在葡萄酒城纳巴兴建一个网络。
Pool model for bidding strategy in day-ahead trade planning considering network loss 考虑网损的联营体日前发电竞价模型
A MRP Algorithm Based on Planning Network 一种以计划网络为基础的MRP算法
Study on the Planning of Network System of Dalian City Road 关于大连城区道路网系统规划的对策研究
His areas of specialization include supply chain strategy planning, logistics network design, inventory optimization, transportation planning, warehousing and distribution etc. 傅博士的专长包括供应链站略规划,物流网络优化,运输方案设计,库存优化,仓储和分销方案等等。
Chapter 3 introduces the tasks of a IS Engineering, it include the overall strategy planning, network integration, software engineering and education engineering. 第3章,介绍了企业IS工程的基本任务和内容,它包括总体规划工程、计算机网络工程、软件工程和培训工程。
This paper discussed the method based on the spatial relationship between planning road network and ecological elements. 以重庆市骨架公路网规划生态环境影响评价为例,探讨一种基于规划路网与生态要素空间关系的评价方法。
And in addition, according to current situation of city road network sack digital appraising. We propose a model to appraise urban planning road network, in which road network density, road network area density and traffic accessibility are main evaluation index. 并且,针对城市道路路网规划量化评价手段不足的现状,提出以道路路网密度、道路面积密度和交通可达性为主要评价指标的城市规划路网评价模型。
Area air-defense needs three kinds of information, which are presentiment information, command information, and control and guide information. Three level information network structure that are joint planning network, joint data network and joint tracking network are put forward. 区域防空需要三种信息:预警信息、战术指挥信息和制导控制信息,因此应相应的建立三层信息网络系统:联合规划网络、联合数据网络及联合跟踪网络来满足网络化防空作战的需要。
Unit maintenance is important to the safe production of power plant, and the project planning using network graph can improve its efficiency. 电厂机组检修是保证电厂安全生产的一项重要工作,而机组大修网络计划图的应用可以大大提高电厂机组检修工程的效率。
A matrix representation for the overall planning network and relative calculations 统筹图的矩阵表示及计算
In this paper, the qualitative security evaluation assessment indices of five power system operation states based on risk analysis is proposed, which implement the evaluation of planning network and operation network. 本文在风险指标评估体系基础上,提出了电力系统安全预警指标评估体系,能够实现对运行网络和规划网络的安全评估。
This Paper analyses the aims of electric power network planning and puts forward that the planning-aims is to make the planning network having economical 、 reliablity 、 flexibility. 本文对电网规划的目标作了分析,提出电网规划的目标,就是使规划电网具有经济性、可靠性、灵活性。
Conclusion Spreading AIDS health education with family planning system network would build a AIDS-care atmosphere in the whole sociality. 结论利用计划生育网络,对计划生育干部进行艾滋病健康教育,可营造社会关怀艾滋病患者氛围。
His article summarized the concept of Internet Data Center and system design, mainly including business planning, network design, technical requirements of major equipment and so on. 概括介绍互联网数据中心的概念及系统设计,主要包括业务规划、网络设计、主要设备的技术要求等。
It involves the planning of network, the safe disposition of server, the installation test of data bank, etc. 涉及网络的规划、服务器的安全配置、数据库的安装测试等。
Investigation on the Effect of Population and Family Planning Network on AIDS Prevention in Sichuan rural area 四川省农村地区计划生育网络参与艾滋病预防现状调查
It introduces the effect of radio network simulation on WCDMA network planning and network optimization, especially on the pre-evaluation in network optimization parameter adjustment, expounds practical operation methods, analyses and demonstrates its feasibility combined with cases. 主要介绍了无线网络仿真在中兴WCDMA网络规划和网络优化中的作用,着重于仿真在网络优化参数调整中的预评估作用,并提出了实际操作方法,最后结合案例分析论证了其可行性。
The authors have probed into the relation between the project cost and area and the shape of independent pipe network from setting up a cost model of different graded pipes for permanent gravity sprinkler system and put forward the sequence and method for optimization planning pipe network. 本文从建立自压半固定式喷灌系统的各级管道造价模型出发,探讨独立管网面积、形状对工程造价的影响,提出管网优化布置的顺序和方法;
Conclusion The reproduction tract infection rate in women of childbearing age can be reduced through intervention by family planning network and the health level of women can be enhanced. 结论发挥计生网络优势,普查干预已婚育龄妇女生殖道感染,可以明显降低其感染阳性率,提高广大育龄妇女的生殖健康水平。